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Dec 15, 2020

Police Say Courtenay Junior May Not Have Been the Intended Target!

Alejandro Cowo

As you heard just now, Keith Courtney Junior’s family can’t say exactly why he was killed, although they acknowledged that he was being harassed by the members of his former gang.  And tonight, police are saying that so far the investigation shows that Courtenay wasn’t the intended target.  C.I.B. Commander for Eastern Division, Superintendent Alejandro Cowo says that investigators believe that the bullets were meant for the other man due to an ongoing internal gang rivalry.


Supt. Alejandro Cowo, O.C., C.I.B., Eastern Division

“Last night just before nine, Mr. Keith Courtney was on his verandah on Ebony Street along with another family member when two make persons ran upstairs and they fired shots injuring him and he was later transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.”


Andrea Polanco

“Do we know why he was targeted?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We have been gathering information likewise and we believe that it wasn’t him who was the intended target but the other person who was along with him.”


Andrea Polanco

“Suspects in this case?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We are looking for several persons we believe can assist us at this time.”


Andrea Polanco

“Do you have anyone detained at this moment, sir?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We have a number of persons already in custody that police are interviewing at this time.”


Andrea Polanco

“The men – how did they access there – were they in a vehicle or on bike?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“Yes we understand that they came in a vehicle and walked towards the residence of Mr. Courtenay.”


Andrea Polanco

“Have you been able to get identification on the vehicle?


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We are working on that at this moment.”


Andrea Polanco

“No eyewitnesses apart from the friend who was there?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“No other person.”


Andrea Polanco

“Was Keith Courtenay ever targeted before, sir, we know that his father was killed about nine months ago?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“Yes, we know that he has been called likewise or said to be associated with one of the gangs in that area and we believe hence that is one of the motives for the other person they were looking is the dispute around the gang rivalries in that neighborhood.”


Andrea Polanco

“Sir, did you receive any information that he once belonged to a gang, he then left that gang and ever since then he was being harassed by the gang that he left?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“Well, at this present moment the gang situation we understand that there are several persons moving about and this is causing an internal dispute among them and this is how some of them are targeted because they are moving from one place to the other place.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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