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Dec 21, 2020

ComPol Says Officers Were Attacked by “Mob of Women”

Chaos erupted on Friday night on Antelope Street Extension in Belize City.  An all-out brawl between several women and police officers broke out and the shocking incident was captured on camera. Insults were hurled and punches exchanged as the women wrestled police officers on the street. Officers reportedly went to the area to arrest the women but the women resisted and that is when the brawl broke out. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams regrets how the incident unfolded, but says that his officers were attacked by the mob of women who were still arrested and charged despite their resistance.


Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“I guess you all have seen the video in the Antelope Street Extension area with the brawl where females were attacking the police and again as a man I was raised by my mother to learn to respect women and I have the utmost level of respect for women. I believe that women go through a lot to bring us on this planet and they should be respected but in the same vein I do agree that women must also learn to respect themselves. When you see women behaving in such a way as you have seen on that video it shows clearly where the police officers were being attacked by the mob of women. The police despite that they exercised great restraint, I was contacted about the matter and I told the police officers that they can withdraw and we are going to pick up the women one by one so they can be charged and again the reason I told them to withdraw is to avoid any further confrontation with those women but at the end of the day they were picked up and they were all charged by the police.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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