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Dec 21, 2020

ComPol Williams Says Michelle Brown to be Charged Internally

Michelle Brown

The woman police officer who investigators believe murdered well-known barber Fareed Ahmad was acquitted of that charge on Friday.  W.P.C. Michelle Brown walked out a free woman after Supreme Court Justice Colin Williams ruled that prosecutors presented insufficient evidence against Brown, not satisfying the court that Brown was guilty of the December 2017 murder of Ahmad.  Ahmad was shot in the head, seconds before he crashed into a parked truck on the side of the road near mile seventeen on the George Price Highway. Inside the car at the time of the incident was Brown whose service-issued weapon was found inside the car and determined to be the murder weapon. Before his murder, Ahmad had made several complaints of police harassment and his family believes that he was targeted. But while Brown was not found guilty, she is being charged internally. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says that Brown will be charged for prejudice to good order and discipline and neglect of duty. As for Brown’s assertion that there was a third person in the car at the time of the incident, Williams isn’t buying it. 


Fareed Ahmad

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“I am not going to comment on the outcome of the trial because I don’t want to be cited for contempt of court but in terms of the female police officer I have directed Professional Standards Branch to charged her internally and so now she is going to go through the internal process of the police.”



“Charged for what, sir?”


Chester Williams

“It is going to be act of prejudice to good order and discipline and in respect of the firearm that was handed over to her that she was suppose to return the evening after she came off from work and did not do so that is a act of neglect of duty.”


Chester Williams


“Sir, can you speak also on the angle her calling another officer, accusing another officer of this crime?”


Chester Williams

“Well the whole society would know that prior to Miss Brown being charged she was in custody for over a day and she was interviewed and question including by myself and at no time during my questioning did she brought up that anybody else was in that vehicle. I part took in the investigation and there were two eyewitnesses who actually saw the accident occurring and were the first on the scene and both eyewitnesses say that at no time did they see anybody leaving that vehicle after the vehicle crashed. They also said that during the time that they went to the vehicle, after the accident the doors were still locked. So, I don’t see how I could believe her story that someone else was in the vehicle. An intensive investigation was done with a view to ascertain whether or not other persons within the vehicle and that investigation revealed that there were no other persons in the vehicle. And I will leave it at that.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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