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Dec 21, 2020

Who Brutally Murdered Darwin Chavarria and Why?

Darwin Chavarria

Cattle Landing resident Darwin Chavarria was brutally murdered last week. The body of the thirty-seven-year-old was found on Thursday on the Waterhole Road near the outskirts of Punta Gorda Town after he went missing the day before. Chavarria had left home in a black Ford Mariner which was found burnt along Waterhole Road on Wednesday. Police say that Chavarria had been shot to death. His hands were bound and his body riddled with bullets. Head of the National Crimes Investigation Branch Assistant Commissioner of Police Joseph Myvett says that several leads are being followed with two possible motives being considered, including a drug-related angle.


ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“On Thursday last based on information received Punta Gorda police visited an area in the Water Hole Road outside of Punta Gorda Town where somewhere on that road they observed the burnt remains of a vehicle which was later identified to be a black in color Ford Mariner. The scene was process and officers left the scene. Later that same Thursday in the evening a family member of Darwin Chavarria came to make a missing person report. That person reported that the last time Chavarria was seen was Wednesday. Police immediately commenced an investigation where upon during the process of the investigation his common law wife was interviewed where she reported that upon arriving home sometime around four p.m. on Wednesday last she noted that her common law husband was not at home. The home was seemingly ransacked as a result police carried out a further search in the area where the burnt vehicle was found on Friday morning and sometime shortly after eight a.m. they came across the body of Darwin Chavarria, thirty seven years of a Punta Gorda Town address with apparent gunshot injuries while his hands were bound to the front with some type of black wire. The scene was processed and the body was removed. The investigation is still ongoing into this latest incident.”


Joseph Myvett

Hipolito Novelo

“Do investigators believe that he was killed there?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“Yes, we do believe that from the investigation that yes he was killed in that area.”


Hipolito Novelo

“In speaking with his wife or anybody who knows him, any sort of motive has been established or suspects?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“At this point in time we have some credible leads which we are working on which we do not want to divulge at this time however we are looking at several motives and one of those motives seemingly was some rivalry with other persons as well as we are also following other lead which may have been some drug relation to the incident.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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