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Dec 21, 2020

Gang Violence Seemingly Out of Control in Belize City

Chester Williams

The recent flare up of gang violence in Belize City prompted a meeting of senior officers within the police department to meet this afternoon.  During that meeting a new strategy was devised on how law enforcement will go about addressing the spike in crime.  The exceptionally bloody weekend began with a shooting incident on Lakeview Street on Friday in which four persons were injured.  It continued on Saturday evening with five other victims being added to that tally and again on Sunday when Malik Acosta was shot and killed inside his vehicle.  Police believe that while they may not be connected, they are all gang-related.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“You would know that just last week Friday we had an incident in the Mayflower [Street] area where police officers ended up on the scene and even they found themselves between a crossfire and a number of persons were detained.  They have been charged.  I guess Mr. Myvett is going to update you on those charges.  The Anti-Gang Taskforce continues to develop cases against these gang members and continue to charge a number of them under the gang regulations.  They should be going to court today and we’re going to see what the outcome of the court is going to be.  But like I said, there is a need for us to be tough on these people who continue to demonstrate their willingness to participate and I am going to give credit where credit is due.  I can see that the crowd from the PIV area, particularly those who are involved in the hub that the U.S. Embassy recently established for them.  They are trying their best to change their lifestyle and to be different, but while they are trying to change their lifestyle and be different, the other side is coming and taunting them and shooting at them, and so, something needs to be done and I see people complaining that the police this and the police that.  Let me make it clear, the police are not the ones shooting people.  The police are out there trying our best to see how we can address the issues or the violence that these people are perpetrating.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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