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Dec 21, 2020

Malik Acosta is Shot and Dies Inside His Vehicle

Malik Acosta

On Sunday night, shots rang out once again in the Old Capital, this time near the intersection of West Street and Water Lane. Today, shards of glass from a vehicle driven by the victim are on the concrete street where at least one gunman took aim at Malik Acosta.  An injured Acosta tried to make his way to the hospital, but expired before he could get there. He lost consciousness and crashed into a fence several blocks away on Douglas Jones Street.  Police discovered his body behind the steering wheel of the vehicle.  News Five’s Duane Moody found out from police today that his murder is believed to be gang-related. 


Duane Moody, Reporting

Malik Acosta was driving on West Street heading towards Water Lane in a Ford Explorer SUV when a gunman took aim at him. He was hit, but continued driving and in the process knocked down fire-fighter George Lewis on Water Lane before crashing into a parked Mazda Tribute in front of a Chinese restaurant on Vernon Street. Even then, he made it to Youth for the Future Drive over BelChina Bridge and on to Douglas Jones Street where Acosta lost consciousness and crashed into a fence. Police later arrived on the scene to find him dead inside the vehicle.


Supt. Alejandro Cowo, O.C., C.I.B., Eastern Division

“When approaching almost at the junction with Water Lane, a male person, who was on the street side, fired several shots at his direction injuring him. He managed to drive, but whilst trying to avoid being fired [at] he knocked down a male person who was walking on the street. And then after he drove onto Vernon Street where he collided into a vehicle that was parked in front of New Asia Restaurant. He continued driving into Youth for the Future Drive, over the bridge and on Douglas Jones he collided at L and F Chinese Fast Food and that is where the vehicle came to a stop. Upon inspection of the vehicle, they saw that he was not moving. The scene was processed and thereafter his body was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.”


It is believed that Acosta, a resident of Tigris Street on south side Belize City, was trying to make his way to the K.H.M.H., but perished en route.


Alejandro Cowo

Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“That is what we had received information and hence the reason he had knocked down—the name of the person is Mister Evan Lewis, I believe—who sustained a broken leg and is in a stable condition.”


Acosta is being identified as a car dealer, but he also once worked with one of the local airline companies. A friend of his spoke of his character.


Voice of: Former Co-worker of Deceased

“I was very surprised at what happened to Mister Acosta. I didn’t know him to end up in that situation, gunned down. But he was very cool, calm and a hard working person.”


So what motivated the attack on Acosta? Police believe that his killing may have been gang-related. Commanding Officer for the Crimes Investigation Branch in the city, Superintendent Alejandro Cowo says that Acosta was traversing rival gang territory.


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We know that he has an association with one of the gangs within that area and where he was driving is a different affiliation. So I believe that those persons that were there saw the opportunity and carried out the hit.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Do investigators believe that he was being followed?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“No. No. I believe that they saw when he was driving on West Street and they waited for him when he reached at the junction with Water Lane.”


Police say there are two suspects that they are looking for at this moment. Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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