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Dec 21, 2020

Despite Tragedy, Shooting Victims Will Continue with Auto Care Initiative

The United States Embassy, which was instrumental in funding the initiative, has issued a release acknowledging that while it is aware of the tragic incident, it remains committed to supporting its Belizean partners in ensuring safe and secure communities.  Jermaine Garnett, who is also one of the five men injured, has also pledge his commitment to continue with the project.


Alejandro Cowo

Supt. Alejandro Cowo, O.C., C.I.B., Eastern Division

“I know that it was recently inaugurated with the new Community Hub and during that interview, several persons were interviewed claiming to be past gang members and they are trying to change their lives.  It is very unfortunate that the incident happened there because we believe that these persons are just trying to make a change and likewise trying to assist others to come in and to make a difference in the community and try to change that lifestyle they had been living.  It really saddened the community because we can see that these guys were at least trying to change or assist others in changing.”


Voice of: Jermaine Garnett, Shooting Victim

“So we just haftu try pick up di pieces and sih how we could give di man wahn real general funeral and just try respect di man because everybody love di man, check.  So that’s all we could do from now and try just grieve wid di family and sih if we could continue on wid fu we business because da something weh we plan fi keep, noh care what, nobody wahn fight wi down from let it go.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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