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Dec 21, 2020

Old Beef Haunts Community Effort; Four Injured, One Dead

Alejandro Cowo

As many as twenty spent nine millimeter shells were recovered from the scene of the shooting at the New Community Resource Hub.  According to police, a white sports utility vehicle arrived at the location shortly after six o’clock and someone inside unleashed a hail of bullets on the unsuspecting men.  Albert Clother, the manager of Saint Martin’s One Stop Auto Care, was hit as many as five times in the lower back.  Superintendent Alejandro Cowo provides additional details.


Supt. Alejandro Cowo, O.C., C.I.B., Eastern Division

“Saturday, the nineteenth of December, just after six p.m. police responded to a number of shots being fired on Vernon Street.  As a result, they arrived at this renamed mechanic shop where they observed five different persons with different degrees of gunshot injuries.  As a result, these persons were escorted to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where one of them was pronounced dead on arrival.  Mr. Terrence Rhaburn, thirty-years-old, unfortunately he passed away.  The other victims that were injured at the time are Jermaine Garnett, Albert Clother, Jamal Jackson and Keith Stuart.  All of them received minor injuries.  Up to present date, Mr. Clother is still admitted in a stable condition.  All the rest were discharged the same night, except for Mr. Jamal Jackson who was discharged on the following morning.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Sir, what do investigators believe happened in that shooting?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“Well we have gathered so far that the intended target was one of the five persons that were injured and it is because of an old dispute that had happened about, I believe, two years ago and they saw the opportunity to capitalize and it was where the incident actually happened.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Gang rivalry.”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo




“So these men, how many suspects?  How many persons do police believe carried out this act?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“What we understand is that the suspects were inside of a vehicle and that a person who was sitting on the backseat, he was the one that fired several shots at these persons who were actually closing the garage.”



“Okay, any known suspects, named suspects?  What are police looking at in terms of suspects?”


Supt. Alejandro Cowo

“We are looking at two persons that are from within that same area and we believe that they can assist us in this investigation.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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