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Dec 22, 2020

Turkey Shopping for Christmas at Quality Poultry Products

The countdown to Christmas Day is in full swing as residents are making those last-minute purchases to make sure that everything is just right for that Christmas dinner with the family, while of course adhering to social distancing rules and following other quarantine regulations. But like they say – “Once yo got di turkey, everything else wahn jus fall eena place.”  So today, News Five’s Duane Moody went shopping for a turkey at no less than Quality Poultry Products.


Duane Moody, Reporting

Searching for the perfect size turkey is traditionally a big deal for the entire family. It cannot be too big or too small and it has to be enough for the entire family and to share a plate of food with the neighbour or close friends and relatives. So to cater to your needs, Quality Poultry Products has various sizes of turkeys.


Andre Salgado

Andre Salgado, Branch Manager, Quality Poultry Products Belize City

“For the first time in many years and as memory serves me we had a discount on turkeys and people were wondering whether or not we would have enough turkeys to last till Christmas and of course this is Quality Poultry; this isn’t no second class business so yes we do have turkeys. This week of course, like myself, I haven’t purchased my turkey as yet. We have a lot of customers who wait until the last minute like myself and I believe it is a Belizean culture and so we knew that would have happened and we did anticipate that and so we do have turkeys for sale. We have all sizes still so there is no need for anyone to worry or scurry over because we are of course in a pandemic year.”


Since the beginning of the month, residents have been heading over to various branches across the country, including San Pedro, to take advantage of the competitive prices for turkeys. And Branch Manager Andre Salgado says that Quality Poultry Products didn’t disappoint this year.


Andre Salgado

“Our smaller turkeys were moving much more faster than anyone would have thought so yes the eight to twelve pounds and the four to eight pounds are the best sellers for this year. We do have all sizes still. I would encourage you though if you are looking at this interview and you’re thinking I still have two more days, it is best you come early. Look out for 2021; we have lots coming up in 2021. We’ve been partnering up with some of our supplies and they have been happy and we have been happy with the outcome and results. So check us out on Facebook and Instagram if you don’t follow us and that is where we dish out all of our news items and all of our new promotions that we have.”


…and for those who are not turkey lovers and would rather indulge in a barbecue or relleño, have no fear because Quality has an array of poultry products to make your Christmas celebration just right – even with all the COVID-19 restrictions.


Andre Salgado

“We had a twenty-five percent discount on all our seasoned products because we did realise again that a lot of our Belizeans in the north and all the way down south, their traditional Christmas is not necessarily turkey; their traditional Christmas is a barbecue chicken with a ham or some of them for new years it is barbecue. So we gave twenty-five percent discount on all those seasoned items. So yes, for this week, we have all chicken products available from extra large chickens for people who don’t necessarily like turkeys—I don’t know why you wouldn’t necessarily like turkeys—but we do have extra large chickens and we have chickens all the way down to small chickens in case you are just a small family.”


Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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