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Dec 22, 2020

Father of Missing Man Says They Went Out on Routine Fishing Trip

Dave Brackett Sr.

On Sunday, Dave Brackett Senior spoke about the disappearance of his son, Brenton. He says that the men went out on a routine fishing trip near Southern Long Caye and based on a call that Brenton had with his common-law-wife on December twelfth, they were to return later that day.  They never did and now it’s been eleven days since they left Dangriga Town en route to the area, and were last heard from ten days ago.


Dave Brackett Sr., Father of Missing Fisherman

“I understand that they left town on the eleventh of this month on a fishing like what they usually go on and they noh return so far. They left word that they would be back in town on the twelfth of this month—that’s last week Saturday.”



“Where would they usually go to fish?”


Dave Brackett Sr.

“In the Long Caye area; the area around Long Caye.”



“So they always do this? Go fishing?”


Dave Brackett Sr.

“Yeah they usually do that.”



“And how long dehn usually take out there?”


Dave Brackett Sr.

“About a week the most or so. Sometimes overnight, two days, three days; up to about a week.”



“Did they call anybody?”


Dave Brackett Sr.

“He called his common-law wife, the person he lives with, he called her on the twelfth saying that they were coming back home on that day.”



“More or less what time was that?”


Dave Brackett Sr.

“I am not sure what time. She didn’t tell me what time they called her. They were leaving from Long Caye.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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