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Dec 23, 2020

500 Plates of Food Distributed in Cotton Tree Village

Five hundred plates of food were distributed today to residents of Cotton Tree Village in the Cayo District. The food donation comes courtesy of the Belize Police Department, Benny’s, and Cayo South Area Representative Julius Espat. The food was delivered to the homes of residents with the aim of strengthening the relationship with the community. With the pandemic affecting families, Commissioner Chester Williams says that providing food for the villagers goes a long way.


Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“The police department, Benny’s and Cayo South Area Representatives Julius Espat we came together and we decided that we are going to do a food drive for the people of Cotton Tree. With that we mobilized and got things together and here we are today where five hundred plates of food and five hundred slices of cakes will be issued out to the people of Cotton Tree courtesy of Benny’s the police department and the Cayo South area representatives.”


Jonathan Figueroa

Jonathan Figueroa, Sales Rep., Benny’s

“It is basically a good will to give back to the community in conjunction with the police department. That is basically it, to give back to the community for them to have a full meal on this day and for Christmas.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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