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Dec 23, 2020

More Police Officers on the Ground for Xmas Holiday

Chester Williams

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also spoke about the police department’s crime-fighting strategy for the Christmas holidays. According to the Commissioner, the presence of officers on the ground will be increased, especially in the Old Capital. With more boots on the ground, Williams says he is expecting a significant decrease in gang activities over the long Christmas holiday.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“We do have out Christmas anti crime campaign ongoing and over the Christmas holiday we know that it is going to be a very long weekend, we are going to increase our presence in Belize City particularly in the area where we have the gang flare ups. While yes we believe that we will see a decline in gang activities in the next few days we still do not want to be caught off guard and so we are going to ensure that we have an adequate number of police officers on the ground in Belize City in particular with a view to ensure that the residents of the city are safe during this time.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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