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Dec 24, 2020

Opposition Leader Patrick Faber Bids Farewell to Dreadful 2020

Patrick Faber

Also highlighting the importance of following the quarantine regulations this Christmas was Opposition Leader Patrick Faber.  In his message, Faber bid farewell to the dismal year that was 2020 and welcomed the New Year with perseverance and determination as the country continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic.


Patrick Faber, Leader of the Opposition

“Christmas is all about spending time with family and close friends and sending greetings to loved ones but given the current COVID pandemic this time around we will have to carry on these actions in non-traditional ways while keeping the spirit. Life as we knew it previous to this pandemic may never be the same again and so we need to do what will help us to succeed going forward. While what is to come maybe new to us what is for certain is that what we need to survive the new is much of the old. That which is tried and tested and has never failed us before human solidarity be my brothers and sisters keeper truly working for the best interest of all and not just for ourselves or what we need if we are to tide over the worldwide health and economic crisis. Let us remember as well that Christ is in Christmas. Many years ago our heavenly father in the darkest of nights sent Jesus to be our light. Today as we battle the pandemic we are likewise in the dark as it is easy to focus on the dark given to discouragement and let disappointment master us. Christmas is an opportunity for us to refresh your mind and to look to the light. May that holy Christmas night bring warmth, happiness and well-being into your life as we bid farewell to a dreaded year. Let us be comforted that we can withstand all that is to come with the help of humankind and guided by the Almighty. Before I close let me accentuate the need for us to stay at home for these holidays and for us to follow like never before the protocols social distancing, wearing our masks and washing our hands.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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