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Dec 24, 2020

Farm Registry Will Negatively Affect More than 50% of Cane Farmers

Jose Mai

According to Minister Mai, about fifty-three percent of the total number of cane farmers stand to lose if the farm registry is implemented for the delivery of sugar cane. He says that in each association, the majority of the farmers will be negatively affected. This is why he says that he does not comprehend why leaders of the associations agreed to the implementation of a registry.


Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise

“As it is right now with the proposed list with was created sometime before November, that list as it is will affect more than fifty percent of the sugar cane farmers. To me that is unfair, and it has to be addressed. We are looking at the best possible solution. We are looking for fairness to the cane farmers and the manufacturer. The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association Corozal has about nine hundred and ten farmers that are being affected is that list is used. The Orange Walk, Belize Cane Farmers Association has close to nine hundred and eighty seven farmers that could be affected if we use that list. Progressive Cane Farmers Association, they have about twenty eight percent of their farmers being affected., they have over two hundred and twenty seven farmers being affected if they use that list. The other two smaller associations have about fifty percent of their farmers which will be affected. It is about fifty three or fifty four percent that will be affected. I can’t see how associations who have twenty eight percent f their farmers being affected, I don’t understand how they want to support a farm registry that I affecting their farmers. I can’t understand that. I don’t know if they are representing well or that is something their farmers want.  We are already producing sugar at a high cost, more than what we are being paid so just the thought of having cane left in the field really scares me and it worries me.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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