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Dec 29, 2020

Are the Four Missing Fishermen from Dangriga Still Alive?

Did a quartet of missing fishermen sink into a watery grave off the coast of Dangriga earlier this month when they went on a trip to Southern Long Caye?  Police and coast guard personnel are still conducting search operations near that location in an effort to find forty-two-year-old Omar Thompson, twenty-nine-year-old Brenton Brackett, nineteen-year-old Leon Joseph and Jeffery Gomez.  Despite all efforts, the men remain unaccounted for.  Today, we asked Assistant Commissioner of Police Joseph Myvett for an update on the search for the fishermen, as well as a connection, if any, to a homicide that took place in Dangriga on Christmas Day.


ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“In relation to that issue, searches were conducted extensively by police and coast guard officers in that area but so far those persons haven’t been found and neither has there been any communication made with their families by those persons.”


Isani Cayetano

“Has the effort been called off?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

ACP Joseph Myvett

“No, it hasn’t.  The search is still ongoing, however, at a more reduced [scale], if you want to call it that at this point in time, but yes, it’s still ongoing.”


Isani Cayetano

“Is there any reason to believe that something untoward may have happened regarding these four individuals?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“Well, we are looking at all possibilities at this point in time.”



“Sir, the streets are saying that there may be a connection between Gomez’s murder and the disappearance of these four fishermen.  Have the police found any evidence to [suggest] that?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“No, we haven’t but the same information was shared with us and we are looking into that as well.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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