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Dec 29, 2020

Exploring Cannabis as a New Growth Industry

The great cannabis debate is once again at the forefront of public discourse, particularly following an announcement that the Ministry of New Growth Industries is partnering with a well-known American expert and businessman in the field of cannabis cultivation.  The conversation also includes the legalization of marijuana, as well as the illegal market in which cannabis is sold.  Earlier today, Chief Executive Officer Alex Lavin, of Growth Industries, informed via a social media post of the partnership between the Government of Belize and his company.  A quick look at Lavin’s LinkedIn profile shares the following mission statement, “ to cultivate quality cannabis operations and industry leaders committed to advancing best practices.  I work with carefully selected clients to develop custom business strategies based on models we’ve successfully implemented and continuously improve upon in various states.”  Minister of New Growth Industries Kareem Musa, who is also the Minister of Home Affairs, starts off by discussing the hemp industry and the fact that despite a decriminalization of certain amounts of marijuana, Belize is still lagging behind in the lucrative industry.


Kareem Musa, Minister of New Growth Industries

Kareem Musa

“The conversation has been going on for quite sometime, many years even, because the cannabis industry has been exploding worldwide in terms of converting from a problem to an opportunity.  Other countries, including the United States, including recently Mexico and Uruguay, have all been making moves to legalize cannabis in their respective countries.  Just take a look at Colorado, it is a multi-billion dollar industry there.  Belize, as you know, we have very unusual laws when it comes to cannabis.  Currently, the law that is in place allows you to have possession up to ten grams of cannabis, but where do you buy it from?  You cannot grow it, you cannot purchase it legally, but you are allowed to have it and you are allowed to smoke recreationally.  So what we do have in place currently is recreational use of cannabis but no way of purchasing it or growing it and so we, as a country, we have been bystanders in this industry.  We have been spectators, so to speak, watching the world pass us by in terms of progress in the cannabis industry.  Many countries taking advantage of the opportunities arising, but Belize has not.  I would say [that] up to ninety percent of all cannabis that is recreationally consumed in Belize comes from either Mexico or the United States and so that is a lot of Belizean dollars going out to other countries that have been taking advantage of these opportunities.  Mind you, that is contraband cannabis coming across the borders, it is illegal.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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