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Dec 29, 2020

How to Predict Cane Price Estimates Accurately?

According to McLachlan, the fuss over cane price estimates would become a thing of the past if the Sugar Industry Management Information System, SIMIS, is implemented and used accordingly. He says that the system will account for the amount of cane out in the fields and where. However, some farmers believe that this will impact them negatively. McLachlan says that the system aims to predict cane price estimates accurately using scientific methods. 


Mac McLachlan, VP, International Relations, A.S.R./B.S.I

“We have already made tool for the industry called the Sugar Industry Management Information system that will, if properly utilized and I a anticipating that it is something that the institutions will now institute because that is very important for really managing the crop properly and understanding how much cane there is to supply and where it is and all of these different factors. This is the year where that really needs to be employed fully.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Minister Abelardo Mai says that that registry negatively affects fifty-two to fifty-three percent of the entire cane farmers in Orange Walk and Corozal. Is that something that BSI/ASR has considered or agreed on?”


Mac McLachlan

Mac McLachlan

“We don’t want a cane estimate to negatively affect anybody. We want it to be accurate. That is all. We want it to be scientifically based and accurate. So  the last thing we want, we want every stick of cane to come in. that is the bottom line. When we look at these issues, what is important for an estimate is that it is based on scientific bases, where is the cane? How many cane is there? What w expect during the crop? We have to be able to plan for that. We are investing heavily in a mill to be able to manage these issues and when there is a big unknown quantity out there it makes more difficult to manage that. Bottom line is, is not up to us anyway.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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