New Horizons underway in Dangriga
This afternoon, groundbreaking ceremonies were held at the Alejo Beni Park in Dangriga marking the official start of New Horizons 2000. Since January reserve officers of the U.S. National Guard have been in the Stann Creek district building schools and digging for wells. By the end of May, they would have also provided free, basic medical treatment to Belizeans. Minister of Works, Henry Canton says he hopes to take a little extra advantage of the equipment and expertise the project has brought to Belize.
Henry Canton, Minister of Works
“They are on a schedule and I’m asking that if they are ahead of schedule, like in the case of the water wells and stuff…that they allow us to not have the equipment sit, to bend the schedule a little bit and allow us to get more instead of having the equipment sit, that’s what I was trying to get across. Or in the case of Gales Point, we are also making the request, we need classrooms, but we really need more than three classrooms, we really need six classrooms. We’re hoping that Government could put the materials, and the BDF could provide the labour and we could use their equipment and supervision. So those are the two things we are trying to push them at.
By the end of May, 3,500 soldiers will have worked in Belize. Through this project, over 4 million Belize dollars will be spent in the local economy.