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Mar 25, 2021

Improving the Welfare of the B.D.F.

Florencio Marin Jr.

While were with the Minister of National Defence and Border Security, he also spoke about the welfare of the soldiers at the Belize Defence Force. A former military man himself, Florencio Marin Junior says that in taking up the ministry, one of his top priorities is to ensure that the living conditions of these law enforcement officers are adequate so that they can be efficient in their duties.


Florencio Marin Jr., Minister of National Defence & Border Security

“Welfare is the number one priority for the time that I will be there, however long I am there. We have to look after our soldiers so that they can do their work effectively and efficiently, patrolling our borders as well as for our coast guard patrolling our maritime waters as well. We have to look at the installation at the Price Barracks, camps, etc. A lot of work needs to be done. We need to review the equipment being used; we are having some issues with that currently. We also need to look at the overall welfare of them in terms of the hospital there on the camp. So it’s a myriad of issues that we have that we need to just work on and push on every day until hopefully we achieve that objective quite soon.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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