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Dec 31, 1999

Not too late for Y2K eve shopping

If you’re watching this broadcast at home, chances are you may be in the process of choosing your wardrobe for tonight’s millennium bash. And while I hope that you’ve settled on exactly the right outfit for the occasion, it still isn’t too late for some end of the year shopping… as I discovered this afternoon.

There was not a lot of traffic inside the boutiques we visited. We were told that the partygoers have been shopping for that special outfit since the beginning of December. There are a variety of fashionable clothes on sale for the millennium bash and according to proprietors, there is no specific style for the occasion.

Barbara Adolphus, Manager/Sales Clerk, M & M’s

“Basically we have a lot of items that are selling. For example the glittery material like this that are selling. Some people are asking for Capri roll up jeans right now. We have a lot of items that are selling right now.”

Laverne Andrewin, Co-manager, Zee’s Boutique and Salon

“Mostly people want high fashion like long dresses or even short ones… very, very formal type dresses with a lot of glitters? Glitters or beads and that kind of stuff.”

But it will not only be the women who will be well dressed to welcome the Twenty-First Century. At Jules Treasure Stop, where they specialize in men’s clothing, Julie Simmons says her clients have been busy looking for that special suit.

Julie Simmons, Manager, Jules Treasure Stop

“Well I think that they are looking at lighter colors, you know try to stay away from black because it is not very festive… something with two tone or bright colors.”

However, Simmons says while a suit may be the order of the night, she advises men to leave the jackets at home.

Julie Simmons

“Well I recommend that they try to stick with a nice top, a nice shirt and bottom. Try and leave the jackets home at night because they will be dancing and partying and will tend to leave it around the place somewhere and might not see it again.”

Laverne Andrewin

“Well just make sure that you are properly attired because I am sure that everybody going out tonight will be wearing their best, so make sure you are prepared.”

Just as there will be many people out partying an equal number of people have decided to bring in the new millennium quietly.

Man #1

“Well I’m not doing anything special. I am going to church as usual as I do ever year and take it easy.”

Q: “Are you going out anywhere tonight?”

Woman #1

“No, I’m not, I am going to stay home.”

Q: “So you will be spending a quiet time with your family?”

Woman #1

“Yes, I am.”

Woman #2

“I plan to go out and have a nice time and leave everything up to God because everybody is worried about Y2K and it is not a problem.”

Man #2

“Not really, maybe stay at home but the New Year should be something good, because everybody come together and love each other like brothers and sisters. Once we love God, we have to love one another.”

Q: “How you plan on bringing in the New Year?”

Man #3

“As best as possible. That’s all I can say, as best as possible.”

Woman #3

“Oh with joy, with happiness. I do not have to worry about anything and I wish the New Year will be better than 1999.”

How ever you’re spending tonight and the rest of the weekend, please do it safely.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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