The Overdue Amendment of the Belize Port Authority Act
Port Commissioner Major Gilbert Swaso also spoke to News Five about the pending amendment to the Belize Port Authority Act, which was last revised back in 2011. According to Major Swaso, the review of the Act is long overdue. He says that consultations are currently underway with various stakeholders to bridge the gaps within the law so that it is in alignment with international maritime conventions to which Belize is a signatory.
Major Gilbert Swaso, Port Commissioner
“We currently, I believe have a shortage of pilots, but the law is stating for one to be a pilot, obviously one has to be a Belizean, but the law specifically talks about for that person to be under training for five years. So simply like grandfather or apprenticeship kinda method. The law does not at this time take into consideration the certification. There’s also an issue in relation to the tariffs. Several of the ports at this time are of the opinion that there needs to be a general tariff review. The cost of doing business certainly has increased so as a result that also in and of itself needs to be reviewed. So those are just among some of the issues that we need to regularise, bridge those gaps and bring it in harmony. Then there are also issues of the International Maritime Organization conventions. Again, we need to do things in harmony with the international world. International Maritime Organization is the organization that takes the lead as it relates to the way how maritime shipping is conducted throughout the whole world.”
The mandate of the Belize Port Authority is to regulate navigation safety, boating safety and maritime environmental protection within the country of Belize.