Public Service Vacancies Now Online and Training Given to Finance Officers
Job seekers may be interested to know that openings in the public service will soon be advertised on a new job search website launched today. According to the ministry, the new site is expected to increase the number of qualified applicants and to make the application submission process easier. Tutorial videos are also available. In other news from the Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, last week there was a three day workshop for finance officers. The aim was to address the specific roles and responsibilities, review accounting and payroll procedures, and identified challenges officers encounter on the job. Financial Secretary, Joseph Waight, spoke about the need for the training.
Joseph Waight, Financial Secretary
“It is part of a wider project where the Government of Belize is trying to improve its public financial management. It has several aspects but one of the key aspects is training and refreshers for serving public officers particularly at the middle to senior level in the accounting finance officers division and hopefully we can do something at some stage for not only the finance officers but the administrative officers as well because of the interconnection. But today is almost like a refresher to share experiences, present main topics and there will be several lectures and presentations during the course of today and then general discussions, questions and answers, share the experiences. We have quite a wide cross-section of ministries here and they can each say how they interact with each other and what common problems are and what common solutions maybe.”
Sixty-nine officers participated in the event sponsored by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, with support from the European Union-funded Public Financial Management Support Project.