PM on Faber Incident: Condemns Violence against Women – Physical or Psychological
As we reported at the top of the newscast, the U.D.P.’s Patrick Faber is having his leadership challenged following a videotaped altercation with his daughter’s mother. Since the video went viral, current and former area reps of the United Democratic Party have issued statements to condemn his actions. When he appeared on Open Your Eyes on Monday morning, Prime Minister John Briceño was asked for his take on the Faber controversy.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“We do not condone any kind of violence, especially violence against women and to be aggressive either physically or psychologically; any kind that is still a form of violence and is something that all Belizeans must condemn. When I condemn that, I condemn Patrick Faber the man, the person who shouldn’t behave like that. As a leader, we are held to a higher standard and so we have to be even more cautious as to how we behave and must not be seen at any time being disrespectful or being rude and that we have to have more patience than Job. I try as much as I possibly can not to be rude to people, to be respectful and try to be patient.”