Mealy Bug survey complete
After the detection of the Pink Hibiscus Mealy Bug and subsequent measures to control its spread in August and September, the Ministry of Agriculture has conducted a week-long survey to determined the extent of the infestation. The districts of Corozal, Orange Walk and Punta Gorda have been found to be totally free of the insect. The Stann Creek, Belize and Cayo Districts, however, were not so lucky. In the Belize District, Belize City and the area at mile twenty-five were found to still be infested with Mealy Bugs. In Stann Creek the pest was found in the village of Independence and a re-infestation was detected in a limited area of Hopkins. In Cayo the only area found with contamination is the nation’s capital Belmopan. The Banana Growers Association, the Citrus Research Education Institute, Fruta Bomba Limited, the Belize Sugar Industries and the Pesticide Control Board all helped in carrying out the survey.