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Jun 25, 2021

Keith Gilges on Belize’s Vote on Nicaragua

Keith Gilges

In his capacity as Chargé, Gilges has had to address several complex multilateral political issues. In doing so, he says he has had to apply the art of diplomacy, determining what topics to engage and what not to engage. One of the more recent regional issues he commented on is the O.A.S.’s statement with regards to Nicaragua’s ongoing democratic disputes. On his social media page, he voiced his disappointment with Belize’s response to the situation. We asked him about that.


Paul Lopez

“The issue with Nicaragua recently, and Belize’s response. I believe you had something to say about that on your twitter.”


Keith Gilges, Chargé d’Affaires, U.S. Embassy of Belize

“Sure, there are so many areas in which we share values with Belize. Value in our respect for democracy, the importance of liberty, the importance of personal responsibility. These are values we share. That doesn’t mean within any particular issue there might not be disagreements. We can disagree without being disagreeable. It is never personal. In the issue with Nicaragua, Belize signed on to a statement with SICA expressing concern about what is happening in Nicaragua. The situation continues to worsen. Ortega and Murillo just arrested another candidate. And there was a statement made by the O.A.S. Belize chose to abstain, which is fully within Belize’s right to do. I choose to express my disappointment in that position, which I Believe is fully within my right to do. I am simply expressing that we are disappointed in that. Having said that, that won’t define my relationship. We are going to continue to look for ways to partner. I do not doubt Belize’s commitment to seeking a return to democracy in Nicaragua. If we defer on the mechanism, I understand. I may not always understand why we defer on the mechanism. But I do not want to let those things define or change our relationship in anyway.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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