Cabinet Looks at COVID, Trafficking in Persons and Municipal Boundaries
In this week’s cabinet meeting, Minister of Health and Wellness Michel Chebat reported on the rising number of COVID-19 detections, sought approval for restrictions which will come into effect at the start of next week. Minister of the Public Service, Henry Charles Usher, reported on the redistricting exercise. Cabinet gave its approval for an exercise for the re-delineation of municipal boundaries for Dangriga, Corozal, Orange Walk, San Pedro, San Ignacio/Santa Elena, Benque Viejo and Punta Gorda towns. This is in support of a 2012 request by the Belize Mayors’ Association to re-delineate municipal boundaries. Also discussed was the June 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report. Steps for combating this problem in Belize were also recommended, and there will be new protocols for dealing with accompanied and unaccompanied migrant children in Belize. Minister of National Defence and Border Security, Florencio Marin Junior reported to cabinet on his recent working visit to New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States. He and his delegation were hosted by the U.S. Military to commemorate the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the State Partnership Program between Belize and the Louisiana National Guard.