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Sep 30, 1999

Missionaries bring Bibles to Belize

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Twenty thousand Bibles in Belize City… it’s no miracle but the result of a group of missionaries. The goal of “Project Word” is to give Bibles to anyone who wants one. The books were donated and collected by a religious group known as the “Pathfinders” of Michigan in the United States. Larry Stewart told News Five how Belizeans have reacted to their donation.

Larry Stewart, Pathfinders

“There are a lot of people in Belize that need a Bible, that don’t have one. And we’ve been passing them out like crazy. We’ve passed out like two or three hundred of them and people are just so excited; they are just so glad. We give them a Bible and they say, “Man, praise God.”

The Bibles are free to people of all denominations and anyone who is interested can contact their nearest Seventh Day Adventist Church. Hyde Shipping brought the Bibles to Belize free of charge. Twelve thousand more Bibles are on the way to Guyana.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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