Families Devastated by Bood’s Killing
Paul Bood died exactly one week after their daughter celebrated her first birthday. The Bood and Singh families are devastated by his death. Sade speaks about the trauma, saying she never believed something like this would have happened to her family.
Sade Singh, Girlfriend of Deceased
“Last week he was here with us, now he is gone. All because of what? I noh understand why and dehn come way ina my yard; they have my whole family distraught. My mother and my father feel so disrespected because dehn dah good citizens of Belize. My mommy dah wah nurse, my dad did forty years dah B.T.L. Dah noh only my family hurted by this; Paul’s mother, Stephanie, she is hurted. She is trying to hold up for the rest of the kids, but I will let you guys know the agony and pain she feels in her heart right now mien, I noh know when it wah stop. When it wah stop? I coulda mi neva believe this mi wah knock dah my door. Many ah we watch people come pan the news and I bawl with dehn, I bawl home. I neva expect this fi mi come dah my door sir. Unu noh know my ma want change ih whole step because anytime ih look outside; my daughter so traumatized – my older daughter – traumatized, traumatised. I mean my nephew coulda mi deh right deh because my nephew is always behind Paul. If fly neva mi di bite…”
Duane Moody
“Your dad coulda mi deh out there too…”
Sade Singh
“Dad…ih just came upstairs sir. My baby coulda mi deh right ina Paul hand if fly neva mi di bite sir because anybody could tell yo Paul always deh with ih baby. He live ih life fi ih baby; ih change ih life fi ih baby. Ih love Avanie so much and dehn do we. I noh know sir, I noh know how fi feel. I just want unu pray fi me and fi he family.”