Electric Buses Coming to Belize City and Out West
Public transportation systems across the world are often accused of being huge carbon emitters for their heavy reliance on fossil fuel, as well as the pollution they create. But, as climate change remains a pressing global crisis, technologies are being developed to replace traditional automobiles with environmentally friendly alternatives. One such alternative is electric vehicles. GOB is exploring how to remove outdated, mechanically compromised buses off the nation’s highways and decrease duties for Belizeans wishing to buy electric cars.
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, and Logistics
“Through the EDF, the European Development Fund, we are getting funding to buy three electric buses which should be in the country mid 2022. And, we have already designated a spot where they will do a pilot run, one in the west and two in the city. But, when you look at the price of these buses, it is really outrageous. I think it’s like seven hundred, eight hundred thousand dollars for a bus. In the end it will pay off. But, it is to find the initial money to purchase these buses. But we are starting that process. I think, within a couple days BEL is going to contribute two motor cycles, one to the city council and one for some other organization to start the process.”
Marleni Cuellar
“What about electric cars?”
Rodwell Ferguson
“Well, we already had two or three in the country. The government will not have to put the legislation in place to allow our Belizean people to purchase them at a reduced cost of duty. Because when we purchase them and in Belize the duty is seventy five percent, that almost doubles the cost.”
Ryan Cobb, Energy Director, Public Utilities, Energy, and Logistics
“And partnering with BEL again, BEL is doing a pilot with charging stations across the city and then eventually across the country.”