Will Additional Charges be Brought Against the Narco Eleven?
In providing details of what transpired along the Southern Highway on Thursday night, ComPol Williams described a firefight in which the responding officers were out manned and outgunned by their own colleagues. Fortunately, no one was injured during the shootout. The battery of charges brought against the narco eleven on Monday, however, doesn’t seem to include the offenses related to the armed confrontation. Aside from inquiring about the additional charges, we asked the Commissioner of Police about the Ministry of Home Affairs’ perspective on the matter.
Isani Cayetano
“Have you had an opportunity to speak with the Minister of Home Affairs, apprise him of what is happening and perhaps get a perspective from him as to the way forward?”
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“Of course. Myself and my Minister, we spoke every step of the way from the inception of this investigation and between us, we , and the CEO, we do make certain decisions as we move forward. Tomorrow, I believe the minister will have a sit down with the media and give you all an update from the ministry’s perspective.”
Isani Cayetano
“Let me go back to a scenario that you painted on Friday, in terms of an exchange of gunfire between the four officers who responded to the scene of the aircraft and the individuals who they met at the location. Are there also charges being brought against these individuals in that exchange of gunfire?”
Chester Williams
“Yes. I don’t think it has been laid but it will be laid.”
We note that notwithstanding the commissioner’s statement that there would have been a briefing with the Minister of Home Affairs, Tuesdays are reserved for Cabinet meetings.