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Jul 22, 1999

Gospel CD previewed at celebration

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To preview the release of their first CD of gospel music, Elaine and Lyndon Sutherland and Zoe Ministries are inviting the public to a Thanksgiving celebration this Saturday. Elaine Sutherland says she was inspired by passages from scripture and with the help of Errol Robateau, her husband Lyndon and the musicians at Zoe the songs have gained in popularity.

Elaine Sutherland, Gospel Song Writer

“I would say a couple of years ago I started to write songs with a Belizean, Caribbean beat, mostly for children. But I noticed that the adults liked it so I started to write for adults. Our church has taken those songs and we have sung them and we have found the people have loved them so much, and people have started to ask why don’t I record them.”

“Like some of the guys who play in our praise and worship team at Zoe they would come up with a base line, their own rhythm on the drums, but I came up with the words, the melody line. And they contributed to make it a fuller sound.”

You can hear, and join in, with the fuller sound of praise and worship this Saturday at the Eagle’s Nest Church at miles two and a half Northern highway at 8:00p.m. The CD will be out later this month.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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