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Jul 13, 1999

More scholarships to Honduran University

This week’s cabinet meeting was largely a recap of the Prime Minister’s visits to Trinidad and Mexico as well as reports on community-based programs and collaboration between Belize’s College of Agriculture and Zamarano University in Honduras. Prime Minister Musa said the CARICOM heads of government reaffirmed Belize’s territorial integrity and his handling the recent border incident with Guatemala, referring to the shooting in Arenal. In terms of the visit to Mexico, the funding agreement for the Museum of Belize project was presented. It includes the conversion of the Belize City Prison into a museum as well as improvements to the Government House, and the construction of a museum in Belmopan. The Ministers of Agriculture Daniel Silva and Minister of Rural Development Marcial Mes visited Zamorano Agricultural University in Honduras to find out about the programs available. As a result the Government of Belize will provide two scholarships per year to Zamorano in addition to two being offered by the university. Zamorano will also provide short term technical assistance in areas such as meat and milk processing.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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