ASR/BSI Investors Want Stability in Industry
McLachlan also spoke frankly about growing reluctant of its stakeholders to further invest in Belize until the impasse is resolved.
Mac McLachlan, VP of International Relations, ASR/BSI
“This is a private business, it is a private commercial business here. So, clearly the onus is on us and the cane farmers to be able to resolve our issues. We are coming at this from a point of view of really ending the kind of difficulties we have had in that relationship, for the long term. Because, I think for the future of this industry that is the way we should go. We have had to explain to the government that under these conditions where we are being put in a position where one side wants to get more from us without listening to our arguments, that is a very difficult position to be in. We are simply not prepared to; our owners are not prepared, to invest anymore money in Belize until we can straighten these things out. And, that means both having a more constructive relationship with the farmers, but also to ensure that the regulatory environment here and they way that is operated, permits us to be continue to, well conducive for the future. These things are really important for the industry. I think we have been able to have a construction conversation with the government on those points. I just hope we can move together.”