B.T.L. offers Internet use monitoring
Webcrawlers beware, B.T.L. is closing in on computer hackers everywhere. Internet subscribers will now be able to monitor their Internet usage by simply clicking on to the belizeweb.com webpage and better yet, it’s absolutely free. By way of a computer generated personal identification number, customers can access information to verify which phone number is dialing up their accounts. This service is only open to customers in Belize City, Belmopan and Ladyville now but in September, B.T.L. hopes to have the entire country covered, and cut down on Internet account “jacking”.
Rafael Marin, Manager Information Systems, B.T.L.
“Since we actually implemented where we can track the usage and if we find that somebody is using your account from another telephone number and we bill those people for that, at least in this month, June, we’ve had a serious drop in that.”
B.T.L. hopes that this new service will discourage people from using someone else’s account illegally. The time spent on the Internet is calculated electronically and transferred to a database on the hour, every hour.