A.S.R. Wants Investors to Feel Confident About Investment Climate
As you heard, one of the points of the contention between A.S.R./B.S.I. and farmers that has triggered a response from the Sugar Industry Control Board is the current milling capacity at B.S.I. When we spoke to VP of International Relations at A.S.R./B.S.I. on Monday, however, he noted the significant investments A.S.R. has made to increase milling capacity since joining the company. But, persistent conflicts could impede future investment.
Mac McLachlan, VP International Relations, A.S.R./B.S.I.
“At a time like this, the thought of investing anything in Belize is the furthest thing from our minds. We would not consider further investments until we have a much better relationship with the association. We are not beholden to that kind of intervention we see at the moment. We need to be in a position that is a constructive position and one where investors can feel confident about their future in the country. But, to your point, and I am afraid that some of the people who mention these things have very short memories, because for the five years before A.S.R.’s arrival, B.S.I. milled on average about one million tons of sugar cane. For the five years after our arrival, the average was one point two–six-six million tons. So that is a major input on the throughput of cane. We continue to and have continued to invest in improving the mill. Our extraction rates and what farmers get paid on sugar extracted from the cane are higher than they have ever been in the past.”