A.S.R./B.S.I. Firm on G.O.B. Proposed Deadline
As we mentioned earlier, A.S.R./B.S.I. says that by agreeing to the April thirtieth deadline for negotiations, a new agreement to be signed, it is honoring the Prime Minister’s proposal. Here is what Shawn Chavarria, Director of Finance at B.S.I. told us today.
Shawn Chavarria, Director of Finance, B.S.I.
“Well we have responded accordingly and favorably to the PM’s letter of the twenty third of December where what was agreed was that we would give more time for the parties to continue the discussion and negotiations up until the thirtieth of April and that is what we have invited the B.S.C.F.A. to do, and we are certainly prepared to sign that immediately and offered to meet as early as next week so that we can continue to discuss a new price structure.”
“They are not agreeing not to sign an interim agreement; however they want that date extended to August.”
Shawn Chavarria
“Like I said, what has been agreed is that we would extend up to the thirtieth of April. That was what was proposed by the PM, brokered by the PM, so that is what we are honoring.”