Shyne Set to Take Over the Reins of the UDP as Opposition Leader
For a second time in less than twelve months, Mesopotamia Area Representative, Shyne Barrow, is set to assume the office of the Leader of the Opposition. His swearing-in ceremony at Belize House is scheduled for Tuesday morning when he will be administered the oath of office by Governor General Froyla T’zalam. Former party leader and disgraced Collet Area Representative, Patrick Faber, was expected to tender his resignation to the G.G., stepping down from his post as Leader of the Opposition. Likewise, he was expected to formally turn in his letter to the U.D.P. Chairman Mike Peyrefitte by today. When we spoke with Peyrefitte earlier today regarding the notice, he told News Five via text message, “not to me, he hasn’t but I’ll take his word that his resignation will be effective as of today”. Peyrefitte said he would not be available for comment until after a meeting on Tuesday. The Caucus for Change, an arm of the United Democratic Party which represents nineteen constituencies is throwing its support behind Shyne after meeting with him and Albert Area Rep Tracy Panton, who is also challenging the leadership of the party. Panton has indicated she is very interested in taking over the leadership of the party. In a social media post earlier today, Panton wrote, “Two persons have been publicly accused of domestic violence. One has been forced to resign. The United Democratic Party that I am privileged to serve has a leadership crisis. We are at a critical crossroads in our organization’s political history. There is an urgent need for us to re-establish the party’s credibility as a mass political party. There is an urgent need for us to regain the trust and confidence of the Belizean people if we are to remain a viable alternative to govern. We need to inspire hope among those who look to us for leadership”.