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May 7, 1999

Red Cross “Dances the World”

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Many of us gave food, clothing or medicine to the Belize Red Cross last year to help the Central American victims of Hurricane Mitch. But as the Belize Red Cross and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies head into the next century, they want us to remember them not only for their aid during disasters. They want to celebrate the positive: their worldwide network of members and volunteers, their internationally recognized emblem and their ideological base. To highlight these aspects the coming year will be celebrated with the slogan, “The Power of Humanity” and a program called, “Dance the World.” Why dance? Because it is truly universal and transcends all language and cultural barriers, like the efforts of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies themselves. Last night Belize danced at the Government House during the Millenium Celebrations. The Red Cross’s theme song and parade composed by the Governor General Sir Colville Young and performed by the Grace Primary School Choir and Vista Dance Company was among the many creative performances. Dr. Aubrey Betton, President of the Red Cross Society of the Americas said the Belize Red Cross makes a valuable contribution to the international effort. The Prime Minister Said Musa said the Red Cross reminds us all of our own humanity and the need for compassion.

Dr. Aubrey Betton, President, Red Cross of the Americas

“As we are at the dawn of the Millenium, the Red Cross family in 175 countries in the world has agreed to position itself to ensure that it is able to carry out its programs to alleviate human suffering. To demonstrate that this organization can deliver is deserving of the credibility it enjoys but even more so demonstrates that it is the “Power of Humanity”.

And I endorse Rene’s comments when he asked you to support us from the public, to continue to give the support to this Red Cross because in addition to the composing qualities of your Governor General I would like you to understand in the Red Cross family your national society stands out for the leadership, the credibility and the resilience it continues to display.”

Said Musa, Prime Minister

“The Red Cross is here to remind us and is doing work to keep us on our toes that we have so much to do as we move into the new millenium when there’s talk of a process of globalization. This globalization can only move forward if it comes with a human face. Because if it doesn’t there will be more suffering, there will be more marginalization and especially the small countries such as Belize would be the ones who would suffer. But we have hope and we have faith because this faith and this hope come from within ourselves. And that is the strength of the Red Cross. The Red Cross appeals to our deepest sense of humanity to each other.”

70 to 100 countries are organizing dance activities this week to celebrate the launch of the year’s activities for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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