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Feb 21, 2022

Minister of Sports Wants to Pay National Team Athletes

Rodwell Ferguson

During the interview, Minister Ferguson pitched the idea of paying athletes to train so that they can spend more time in training. This has always been a complaint of athletes in Belize. Internationally, they go up against teams whose players spend the majority of the year in training. Minister Ferguson says he is prepared to change this reality.


Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports and Transportation

“While I was my bed I did a calculation and figured what it would cost to pay the first national team, both male and female, pay them a hundred dollars a day. That accumulated to one point eight million dollars a year. In reality it is not a lot of money. But, in an economy like Belize it might be difficult. But, I believe if you give me the opportunity to perform as the Minister of Sports, I will have to find the money. So, going back to Belize you will see me going aggressive with my team to figure out what we can do to improve sports in the country of Belize.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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