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Home » Crime » Williams’ attorney asks for evidence on another suspect
May 6, 1999

Williams’ attorney asks for evidence on another suspect

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Besides the case of Carlos Milan, Magistrate Lord also heard a request from the attorney for Michael Williams this morning. Williams is accused of murdering 12 year old Jackie Malic in March. Although police maintain that he was their primary suspect from the beginning and claim to have sufficient evidence to convict him, Attorney Kirk Anderson today asked that the police be ordered to disclose all evidence gathered on another man Anderson says was also under investigation. Anderson requested information on a knife reportedly found at the man’s home in Orange Walk and which is alleged to have been stained with blood, be turned over to the defense. Anderson also wants police reports on the search which reportedly also led to the discovery of newspaper clippings on Jackie’s murder and several other rapes in Orange Walk. Magistrate Lord instructed Anderson to put the request in writing and said he would rule on the matter at a later date. Anderson also asked for full disclosure of statements made by witnesses in the case which the attorney says were supposed to have been handed over yesterday. The case was adjourned until some time in July at the request of the defense. The prosecution was represented today by A.S.P. Patrick Rosado. If Magistrate Lord finds there is sufficient evidence to prosecute Williams the case will be heard in the Supreme Court. News Five was unable to confirm with police that a bloody knife and newspaper clippings were found at the man’s home in Orange Walk or that he was being investigated in connection with Jackie Malic’s murder at the time of the search. So far Williams is the only person who has been charged with the brutal killing on March 22.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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