Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Signs Matching Grant Agreement
The Government of Belize and the Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Society Limited signed a matching grant fund agreement for three hundred and thirty seventy thousand Belize dollars to support the members of the co-operative to more effectively produce, market, and sell their agricultural products. The Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Society Limited was registered in 2009 and operates in Trio Village, Toledo District. It currently has seventeen active members. The matching grant fund will be used by the co-operative to build an office, storage, and marketing centre in the community as well as to install an irrigation system and an industrial well. Members will be able to receive, sort, store, and sell all produce from a proposed thirty-one acres. One such produce that will be cultivated by the co-operative is pineapple. The Government of Belize, through the Resilient Rural Belize (R.R.B.) programme, will provide funding to enhance two miles of road so that the farmers can more efficiently and effectively transport their produce to market.