Faber Still M.I.A., but U.D.P. Intends to Rebuild with New Leader
Former U.D.P. leader Patrick Faber resigned under unfavourable circumstances – some would say that he was even forced to resign back in January – when the national executive voted against him. Since then, the embattled Collet Area Representative has been M.I.A. from House meetings and the public stage. Leadership conventions often put a wedge between party members, and some political pundits are of the opinion that this will continue to hurt the U.D.P. However, Chairman Michael Peyrefitte says that the party will bounce back following the election of its new leader. But what about Collet division?
Michael Peyrefitte, Chairman, U.D.P.
“No one particular person can hold an organization hostage – not myself, not Mister Faber, not anybody. So when Mister Faber resigned, we had to fill the gap. We have an interim leader and we’ve been carrying on ever since. So naturally, having an interim leader can never be as good as having a leader-leader in place. So that will happen Sunday and Monday morning, we start the rebuilding under the style and category of the new leader. I am not going to say publicly how we are going to rebuild; we will rebuild the way we know how. In terms of Collet division, that will be determined by the people of Collet. I have no indication from the honourable Faber that he will not run again for Collet. And if he chooses to run again, well then it is up to the people of Collet whether they want him to remain there or go in a different direction.”