Shyne Names New U.D.P. Shadow Cabinet
Opposition Leader Moses “Shyne” Barrow has formed a new shadow cabinet whose members will act as counterparts of the Briceño administration, those that hold cabinet positions. The party leader himself is the shadow Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment. His deputy, Corozal North Area Representative Hugo Patt, is responsible for Natural Resources, Petroleum, Mining, Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise. Natural Resources is a portfolio that he is familiar with as it was his most recent ministerial assignment prior to the last general elections. U.D.P. Chairman Mike Peyrefitte is shadow minister of National Security. Similarly, he was also assigned this portfolio under the previous government. Those positions round out the hierarchy of the United Democratic Party, as leader, deputy leader, and chairman, respectively. There are, however, sixteen remaining portfolios, including the shadow minister of Tourism, Diaspora Affairs and Religious Affairs. That office goes to Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton, who was once C.E.O. in the Ministry of Tourism and Culture in 2012. Noticeably absent from the list is Collet Area Representative Patrick Faber. The erstwhile party leader and Minister of Education have been replaced in that capacity by shadow minister Jacklyn Burns, whose responsibilities also include Science and Technology. Darrell Bradley, who served two terms as mayor of Belize City, is the shadow minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Investment. Also missing is Denise “Sista B” Barrow. The Queen Square area rep is not only a no-show at house meetings; she’s also unassigned in her nephew’s shadow cabinet.