Motorcycle Rider Dies Days after Accident
He was flung off his motorcycle two Sundays ago when he and his friend crashed into a guardrail along the Cristo Rey road. Reports are that Daniel Morales was driving a motorcycle that had no light and lost control and ran into the guardrail. He suffered several broken bones in his arms and legs and a head injury. He was first listed in critical condition, and then stable condition, and his family says they were rooting for his recovery. But on Wednesday night they got the call they were dreading: Morales had just died of a heart attack. His brother-in-law, Khader Habet told News Five why they were shocked to get the news.
Voice of: Khader Habet, Brother-in-law of Deceased
“Just yesterday when we mi gone see ah eena the morning, he mi still stable and dehn mi got ah sedated but dehn mi lower it wa lee bit and dehn wake up ah is sista gone in and deh knock ah pahn ih side an tell ah that ih sista deh in deh, Vanessa deh in deh. And he mi di move up ih eyes and everything. Everything mi look arite. Da just the doctor tell we that he mi deh in deh to long eena the I.C.U. and deh mi need fi tek out the ventilator – the hose weh deh had eena ah because ih have wa bag weh could burst weh shouldne be in deh that long. Soh dehn she dehn mi wa tek it out this Saturday and dehn mi wa mek wa small incision eena ih throat and put the hose through it fi mek ih breathe. Then ena the night dehn call we and that was it. Dehn tell we that he neva mek it.”