Tourism Numbers Up to 75% of 2019 Figures
The tourism industry has been rebounding in the past few months, and over the Easter weekend, the number of flights touching down at the P.G.I.A. and the tourists across the country are telltale signs of a booming industry. But while figures for the first quarter are up, Tourism Director Evan Tillett says that the numbers are not where they were pre-COVID.
Evan Tillett, Director of Tourism, B.T.B.
“We are currently still working on the numbers for 2021-2022, but what we have seen is definitely a rebound since the COVID pandemic. We remain positive that we will continue to rebound. I think Belize led the way in the region in terms of its rebounding as it relates to tourism visitation to our destination. We continue to focus on strategic marketing, which allows a lot of people to come into our country. And of course, we still have some gaps in tourism that we are working on in order to try and fix so that we can have a world class product and can compete on a global level. So in terms of the numbers, I would say, it is somewhere around seventy seventy-five percent of where we were 2019, in the last quarter. And so the outlook is very positive.”