ComPol Takes Issue With Policing at Night Clubs
The Commissioner of Police says he takes issue with the practice of police officers providing security at night clubs. It is not the first time ComPol Williams is voicing his position on this practice. This time around, he made a statement in light of Friday night’s incident at Thirsty Thursday. In his comments, he spoke about the need for greater vigilance by security personnel at the entrance of these establishments. He added that there is a need for frequent evaluations of night clubs to ensure that their operations are free of any human trafficking violations.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I have a serious issue with police officers working at night clubs. As a matter, I have an issue with night clubs. To me, too much things happen at night clubs that should not happen in life. But, that is me and my lifestyle. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t go to parties. So perhaps that is the reason why I think that way. Be that as it may though, if it is that we are going to have our officers continue to work at nightclubs, certainly they need to do more in terms of making sure that one, law and order is maintained, and that two persons who are entering these night clubs, making sure that something is done to determine or prevent illicit items to be taken in to those night clubs as well as to make sure activities that is not suppose to occur in these night clubs do not happen. We know that we have the human trafficking situation, and many of these night clubs do operate in a certain way, and when you look at it there would be some elements of human trafficking. So, we need to make sure we assess these places and where we have these officers working that there is not one iota of human trafficking taking places at these establishments. And, once that is the case we will pull our officers from there and we will make recommendations to the liquor licensing board to have those liquor license revoked.”