Attorney For Julius Espat Responds to WPC Trapp
Senior Counsel Andrew Marshalleck, who is representing Cayo South Area Rep Julius Espat, has since responded to Elrington’s letter. In the letter addressed to W.P.C. Alicia Trapp, Marshalleck accuses her of causing attorney Orson Elrington to publish a false statement that, for all intents and purposes, defames his client, Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, Julius Espat. The statement in reference purportedly indicates that P.C. Trapp was in Teakettle Village when she was verbally and physically assaulted by Minister Espat. Marshalleck notes that while W.P.C. Trapp claims to have several witnesses ready to testify on her behalf, Espat is in possession of images and videos revealing Trapp’s behaviour. Furthermore, the letter goes on to say that Espat has hundreds of eyewitnesses ready to testify that there was no verbal or physical exchange as Trapp claims. The letter demands that Trapp issues an immediate apology and direct the publication of a further statement retracting that falsehood.