Traffic Department advises public to watch for drunk drivers
With so many people making merry tonight and over the next few days, the Traffic Department would like to warn you to be on the lookout for drunk drivers. The department says some of the signs that a driver is under the influence include reckless driving, braking erratically, speeding or doing just the opposite — moving too slowly, — giving the wrong signals or drifting off the road. If you see any driver displaying this type of behavior try to get out of their way. The Departments of Traffic and Transport have also released a booklet for drivers which reminds people of the speed limits on city streets and highways. In towns buses and trucks are to go no faster that fifteen miles per hour, all other vehicles twenty-five; on the highways the speed limit for buses and trucks is forty-five miles per hour and all other vehicles fifty-five. Motorists are advised to also make sure they buckle up and give proper signals. Road checks will be established countrywide and the department will be identifying traffic violators and checking to make sure vehicles are road worthy.