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Jul 28, 2022

Will There be Peace in the Village Anytime Soon?

On the phone: Dr. Richard Rosado

According to Doctor Rosado, today’s meeting with members from the respective groups was intense, as relatives of the individuals injured in the recent spate of shootings are still reeling from the senseless violence.


On the phone: Dr. Richard Rosado, Deputy Commissioner of Police

“The tension was somewhat high because of what had transpired and when we sat down with them on Tuesday, we were able to thrash out the differences and we were able to come to a common understanding of what was causing the issue and this has now allowed the conflict team to go out on the ground and ensure that whenever issues arise we can be able to address it there and then, rather than for them to resort to violence.  They are reaching out to us and hence we are reaching back to them and extending that hand to ensure that the violence does not continue and at the same time, as we police department, we are ensuring that we put the necessary measures in place to ensure that the violence does not continue.  The L.I.U. multi-sectoral approach is an approach that we believe that it will require a mindset change both within the police department and the community.  It will require that the community and the police are receptive to the effort because, just like in any dispute, it is best to bring both parties together so that they can address their concerns peacefully and reach an amicable solution.  I believe that we must exercise all avenues to be able to bring peace within the different communities.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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