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Aug 4, 2022

Engineers Conduct Site Survey on Sarstoon F.O.B.

The Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, along with a team of engineers, visited the Sarstoon Forward Operating Base in the Toledo District on July twenty-ninth.  The visit follows reports concerning the integrity of the FOB due to erosion. During the trip, engineers conducted a site survey and collected data with a view to make recommendations for immediate and short, medium and long-term improvements. Once the engineers present their recommendations, the ministry intends on tabling them before Cabinet for consideration.  


Florencio Marin Jr.

Florencio Marin Jr., Minister of National Security

“Engineers were there just last week Friday. We are waiting for their report as to what needs to be done. I know some pictures were circulated; I mean it is a different kind of aground. I mean under the base is almost completely water, even the small ablution and the water tank, if you notice they are leaning to a side. I need to hear what the engineers have to say, they are the professionals; they will tell us what has to be done.”


Duane Moody

“Sir possibly removing it from that location completely?”


Florencio Marin Jr.

“Let me see what the engineers tell us that needs to be done. I am not the professional on that so I prefer to hear from them what they suggest.”



“How important is it for the B.D.F. to remain in that area given the continued threat we have from Guatemalans who are just entering?”


Florencio Marin Jr.

“It is very important; that is why the base is there. If you notice, we said temporarily moving them to Barranco, so we have not decided to shift them away from there. But again, we just need to fix up the place.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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